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Gospel Outreach

“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers (or sisters!) of Mine, you did for Me!"       Matthew 25:40

2020~2022 LWML ~ Oregon District
Mission Grants

Funded grants are highlighted in orange.

Bridge of Hope CARE Pantry  Expansion,    $5,500 

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A Bridge to Jesus – the SSS Soccer        Clinic and Beyond, $6,000 

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Bringing Christ’s Light to Those      Living in Darkness, $6,500 

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Carrying Christ into the Heart of the Hispanic Home, $6,500

Carrying Christ into Hispanic Home OD 20

Equipping People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to Sing, Tell, Declare His Marvelous Deeds, $6,500 

Equipping People with IDD OD LWML 2020-2

Expanding the Dominican Republic Disability Ministry as  God’s Word and Jesus’ Love is  Shared, $6,500 

Expanding DR Disability Ministry OD 2020

Filling Haitian Tummies Opens      Ears to the Gospel, $5,000 

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Financial Assistance for Concordia      Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne,      Indiana Food and Clothing Co-Op
to Purchase Food, $5,000 

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Healing Spaces,

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Project “GO” (Gospel Outreach) – Share Jesus, $2,957.50                       ($457.50 may still be requested)

GO Share Jesus OD LWML 2020-22-pixA.jpg

Safeguarding our School Children, $6,350 

Safeguarding our Schoolchildren OD LWML2

Support for Concordia Seminary’s International Graduate School Students, $2,957.50 (partial funding) 

Seminary International Grad School OD 20
Seminary International Grad School OD 20

Taking the Gospel to B.C. North, $6,500 

Taking Gospel to BC North OD 2020-2022-p

The Gospel Outreach Department is made up of two committees:

the Gospel Outreach Committee and the Mission Servants Committee.

Gospel Outreach Committee

Human Care Committee-Mission Servants

The Gospel Outreach committee has the opportunity to evaluate all the Mission Grant proposals and make recommendations to the Oregon District Board of Directors, so the Mission Grant proposals may be voted on at the Oregon District Conventions. The committee also informs LWML members as to when grants are funded and what is taking place in the mission field. 

The Human Care Committee is now called Mission Servants. The purpose of the committee remains the same. They are charged with encouraging sensitivity in women toward those who are hurting and in need in the church, community and world.  They strive to provide hands-on resources for assistance and comfort to others and reach out to the underprivileged and underserved in our communities. 

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